Bérengère FAYT
Les Calmettes
46300 Soucirac
+ 33 7 88 97 18 41

Copyright Faber Arabians 2023 - all right reserved - privacy policy

Prada F 2017 - accendatally deceased in 2018 

Retired: Pokupka lives now at her breeder in the Nederlands for a well-deserved retirement! 

Pristan F 2015 - sold to Senegal 

Prazja F 2016 - accidentally deceased in  2017 

By Tibet - Born at stud 

Prezaj F 2014 - sold to a Belgian endurance rider 


CEI ** qualified 




Pokupka is the dam of Blitters Plonja by Marwan, a great race mare at international level. Her results : 18(5-5-3-0-2-1) and 17.245 € prize money !!! 



Pokupka is a very charismatic and sweet mare. She has big dark eyes and a very feminine expressive head . Her main qualities are a very well shaped neck, a great shoulder, a strong back, excellents legs with good feet. She inherited of the famous mouvements of her sire, of whom she looks like. 

Pokupka was used in dressage, in endurance and in race, she is a versatile mare with a marvelous mind ! 

Under the saddle, Pokupka is quiet and bold, she is a sportive mare with a well balanced character, she likes to learn and to make her rider happy ! 







Pozjarka, the dam of Pokupka is a daughter of the horse of the century, Balaton out of the superb Pechenga, a daughter of the great Naslednik 1/7 (3-0-0), the best son of Nil out of Nitochka (Naseem), a full sibling of Negativ. At 17 yrs old, Naslednik win the All Union Exhibition Show in Russia !  

Naslednik gave high quality offspring who is precious for breeding : Poshlina, european champion, Karavan, All Union exhibition reserve champion, Pechenga, great-mother of Pokupka, who gave with Balaton the dressage champion Pechaton; Pozjarka, the dam of Pokupka and Palatonja, 1rst premium mare, national champion in the Nederlands and dam of the excellent broodmare Palanika (Nikel) owned by my friends of Arabian Fantasie ; Pedruga (Drug) successful endurance horse and broodmare in UAE. 


Pozjarka also gave birth to: 

- Palotasza QQ by Kosmonaut, 1rst premium and *Elite mare, also owned by Arabian Fantasie.  

- Prometha by Drug, full sibling of Pokupka, 4th CEI * 100 km and 14th CEI ** 130 km. 


Uterine sister of Pokupka and exceptional broodmare, Palotasza QQ produced : 

Kutasza - 2nd premium mare  

Mirtazsa - Preferent mare, dam of Sultazsa (MM Sultan), international and multinational champion,  championne internationale et multichampionne nationale and of AF Majesta 2 nd of her classe in  national), of AF Mirenga, international multichampion. 

AF Esquire  - National stallions licencing show winner and national champion. 

AF Escada - Nederlands champion, Tulip Cup champion (show B), Elran Cup champion and Schotten international champion.                        

This maternal line with a so rich potential of show qualities confirms my high hope in the versatility of the breeding abilities of Pokupka. With such a genetic, sure that she will give marvelous foals with Tibet and other russian stallions !  




Drug, head shot 

Drug, 23 yrs old 

Drug, showed on the racetrack 


Pokupka is the daughter of one of the actual most famous russian stallion : Drug (which means friend in russian). She very looks like her sire. Drug 5/35(13-9-4) is a fantastic grey stallion born in 1985 at Tersk Stud. Power, performance, movement, charisma represent him. Exceptional athlete of immaterial beauty, he embodies the modern russian arabian. Winner of the Derby of Russia in 1988, Drug win in both show and race the same year as in 1990, he win the european championship in show and win the European race Cup in Evry - France ! He was named Race horse of the year in 1990 and 1991. Actually and despite 5 years of race on the russian hippodroms, Drug still shows legs with perfect line and without any problem, proof of his incredible physical resistance.


 Drug is not only a strong horse but he passes his unbelivables sportive habilities on his offspring : he is the sire of Matador and Madiar 6/33 (15-10-3), both Russian Derby winners and of Adres 3/24 (3-7-3). His son Vinograd is the best russian endurance horse for this moment ! The get of Drug inherits his sire 's size as well as his superb typical morphology and his charisma. They also show very kind character and are lovely with humans. His daughters are treasured broodmares for the production of very sportive and well built horses. 


Drug is the son of Prizrak 2/14(3-2-3), a successfull race horse, himself the son of Kankan 1/10(1-3-2) by Korej and Ptaskha, one of the more exceptional broodmares of Tersk. Kann, imported from France to Tersk, is the sire of Korej 1/2 (1-1-0). This line also gave the great Kumir 2/17(3-4-3), the sire of Vatican 4/31 (9-6-9) the greatest racehorse in Russia; winner of 6 Classics or Stakes races including the Derby and St Leger. Kumir is by the Korej's son Mak 2/16 (4-1-2), winner of the USSR three-day event championship in 1956. Another famous son of Kankan is the great Persik, founder of one of the most successfull bloodlines in endurance in the World .


Ptashka is the dam of Pustinia (Salon), the dam of Panagia, Pudra et Pula ; Palmira (Salon) dam of Poznan, Prichina and Peleng ; Pallada (Salon), Pesnia (Aswan) the dam of Pesniar, Pesnianka, Pesennik et Pessennaia. What a famous family, all these horses are worldwide recognized for their qualities and gain numerous titles on the show grounds !


The dam of Drug is Karinka 2/21(8-8-2), par Aswan x Karta 2/16(4-4-1), another queen of Tersk. Karinka is also one of the greatest broodmare of Tersk, she gave Karnaval, Kosmonaut, Kontrolnaja and Koldunia par Naftalin,  Vakansia par Peleng (the dam of Volnaia, the dam of Kubay Khan) and the chief stallion in Tersk Kingsize par Gusar. Karinka is burried at Tersk, at her famous sire Aswan's side.

As a two years old, reserve champion at the futurity show 

For me, Pokupka represent the achievement of a dream. From forever, I admire the legendary Drug, fantastic stallion who could demonstrate, more than another, the extreme versatility of the arabian horse out of russian bloodlines. Long time searches and many years were necessary to find the mare with who my dream comes true. I proudly welcome my sweet Pokupka, I'm so much happy to own a daughter of my favorite russian stallion ! 


In addition, good blood could never lie, Pokupka, who is 1m55 tall, is a sportive mare. As a two years old, my white pearl win her mare class at the show in Exloo and was Futurity show mares reserve champion with the higher points of all the contenders for movements. CA and SCID clear 

Pokupka - Drug x Pozjarka - Balaton 


Padiraah F 2019 - at stud, she is the successor of her famous dam at Faber Arabians. 


Your happiness is our greatest success !  

DRUG winning Al Nayan International Kempton Park UK 1991